Love is all around!

Would you post your love-making locations on the web?  Thousands of people are happy to, it seems, on a quirky site called I Just Made Love.

It’s a simple idea: right click on a Google Map to post the location of your passionate moments, select “Indoor” or “Outdoor” and choose from one of 5 positions, as illustrated by the site’s innocuous cartoon figures. (We’re intrigued by why the figures are blue and pink – does this imply only straight couples can add markers?)

Whatever you might think – and we happen to find it pretty funny – the idea is sure to be shared around the web thanks to its mildly saucy spin and wonderful simplicity.

Would you post a marker on I Just Made Love?

IJML mostra sulla mappa del mondo i luoghi in cui la gente ha appena fatto l’amore. Il sito creato da un giovane polacco permette agli utenti di segnalare il luogo su una mappa dove hanno appena fatto l’amore. E’ possibile segnalare il luogo con delle icone di vari tipologie. Tocca a voi capire quale “scegliere” 🙂